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Ebrington Primary & Nursery School, Clooney Campus, Londonderry


Hello Everyone and welcome to Year Three;

Our Year Three teachers are;

P3A - Mrs Galligan on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday;

         Mrs McKernan on Thursday and Friday.

P3B - Ms Cooke each day

Our teaching assistants are;

P3A - Miss Connor and Miss Canning.

P3B - Miss McCrea and Miss Wray Mon, Wed & Fri.  

A snapshot of a week in Year 3:

Monday - Assembly, Homework for the week and Choir practice for some children.

Tuesday - Aactivity Based Learning and Rugbytots training with Aaron.

Wednesday - Activity Based Learning and PE

Thursday - Problem Solving and Creative writing tasks.

Friday - Weekly Spelling Test and topic Maths

Our World Around topics are as follows:

  • Term 1 - Hey, Hey, Look at Me! - (Ourselves, family, houses and homes)
  • Term 2 - Yum, Yuck - (Foods, Fair Trade, journey of certain foods, likes and dislikes)
  • Term 3 - It's a Bug's Life! (Minibeasts, insects, habitats and life cycles)

Each day in Year 3 we complete Literacy, Numeracy and Phonic tasks.  We also read and are read to daily.

Keep an eye on Seesaw for weekly updates and photos of our children at work!

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