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Ebrington Primary & Nursery School, Clooney Campus, Londonderry


September 2023

It has been great to see everyone back in school this week and predictably the weather has been fantastic. Over the next few weeks we aim to work really hard to go over some of the P6 Maths and English topics and hopefully that will help with P7 learning as we move through the year.

Those who are sitting the new SEAG Entrance Tests for grammar school should make sure they have registered their child through the appropriate website.

The closing date for registration is 5pm on 22nd September 2023

Homework is now up and running and the children have been given booklets to take home, from which they will complete a set number of pages each night. Homework is brought into school each day and the activities for the night are explained so hopefully everyone knows what they are doing.

We will continue to use Google Classroom this year as a link between the classroom and home. If you are not able to access this then please contact me at school. A homework schedule for the week will be posted on GC every Monday.

Year 7 will also use Accelerated Reader to monitor and motivate reading throughout the year. The pupils will complete an online test after every book they read and their progress will be ranked and measured each week. This reading will initially take place in school every day for at least 20 minutes. As the term progresses children will be allowwed to take their books home but will only be able to test in school.

Children will have PE on a Monday and the pupils should all bring a change of footwear e.g. trainers, for this lesson. If they wish to bring leggings, shorts or a T-shirt they can, but it is not essential. 

Miss Monagle and Mrs Miller will be in the classroom this year too and we are all looking forward to enjoying the pupils' final year at Ebrington Primary School.


J. Torrens

V. Miller

R. Monagle




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