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Ebrington Primary & Nursery School, Clooney Campus, Londonderry

5B- Harvest Assembly

26th Oct 2017

Year 5B had the pleasure of leading this years Harvest Assembly.  We have worked so hard practising, learning our words and singing songs over the past month! It all came together really well on the day and all the boys and girls did Ebrington and themselves proud.  The hall had a beautiful harvest and autumnal scene thanks to Mrs Caithness and the parents donating fruit and vegetables.  Thank you very much.

Thank you to all the parents and friends who came today to support the children and myself, it means so much.

Congratulations to my wonderful class. 

I'm sure you'll agree the boys and girls deserved a treat after performing so well in their harvest assembly that it was arranged for some firefighters from Crescent Link Fire Station to visit the class and talk to them about fire safety, which is so important especially at this time of year.

A wonderful day for the children.

Mrs McCrea