School Choir participates in Choral Festival
Dear Parent/Guardian,
Your child will be taking part in the City of Derry International Choral Festival on Thursday 22nd October in St. Columb’s Hall. This event is taking place during the school day. Please provide your child with a packed lunch.
All children must wear their white shirts and tie (ties will be provided). Girls should be in WHITE socks and appropriate black shoes. Please can the girls have their hair tied back in a neat ponytail.
Great News! Our P7 children have been selected to take part in the performance of ‘Bluebottle’ with the Ulster Orchestra. Bluebottle is a 50 minute whirlwind of music and creativity involving songs by a massive 300 piece children’s choir, orchestral fly-squashing, gripping narration, live animation and a musical climax of all forces together.
This event takes place directly after the Choral Festival, so your child will remain with Miss Stone at the venue until 8.30 pm. Your child will be provided with a McDonald’s meal for dinner (price covered by school) and a custom additional T-shirt for the occasion. If you could still provide a packed lunch for the morning session please, they will certainly need their energy for this fabulous performance.
Pick up will be at the side entrance of St. Columb’s Hall, opposite Debenhams at 8.30 pm. You can get more information about the event and prices of tickets online at
Many thanks
Miss R Stone
Ebrington Primary & Nursery School, Clooney Campus, Limavady Road, Londonderry | Tel: (028) 71 343864